Small Groups | Circles

Circles (our small group ministry) is where church takes place. In circles, we find community, accountability and fellowship to walk the road of life. Now is the right time to join a circle and do life together!

Currently we have several options:

Regional Small Groups

Men's Prayer Dinner

Legacy Men's Brunch

Ladies of JRC Brunch

Empty Nester's Club

Join a Group


Check out some of our past Circles events!

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Small group studies


Supper Club #1: Getting to Know the Real You

  • Share two truths and one lie about yourself. Some examples could be an unusual hobby or skill, particular life experience, or unique travel experience- it's completely up to you. The group can take turns trying to guess the lie about each person.
  • John Piper states “Christian selfhood is not defined in terms of who we are in and of ourselves. It’s defined in terms of what God does to us and the relationship he creates with us and the destiny he appoints for us. God made us who we are so we could make known who he is. Our identity is for the sake of making known his identity. Has God ever used something unique about you to help someone else know more about God?
  • End meeting with prayer requests and closing prayer.


Supper Club #2: My Dream Job

  • What is your current occupation? Describe what your typical work day looks like. If you could choose a different dream job without any limitations, what would it be?
  • Regardless of your job, remember that God has given us the ability to work and the Apostle Paul states in Ephesians 2:10“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." Name one challenge you have faced at your work recently. What did you learn from this challenge?
  • End meeting with prayer requests and closing prayer.

Supper Club #3: Dinner with Famous People

  • If you could have dinner with three famous people (living or deceased), who would you choose and why?
  • As Christians, we are also called to be role models, or examples for the world. Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-16, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” How do you feel about the verses above? What are some things that can keep us from letting our "light shine before others"?
  • End meeting with prayer requests and closing prayer.

SPRING 2023 | Sermon-Based Discussion

For this upcoming six-week Spring Small Group session starting the week of May 7th, we will be going through sermon-based small group studies. This generally means that our small group discussion will coincide with the prior Sunday sermon. The general format of our meetings will consist of sharing dinner, watching a video, group discussion and closing prayer.

Session 1 | Diversity

Handout/Discussion Questions

Session 2 | Mother’s Day

Handout/Discussion Questions

Session 3 | Learn to Grow

Handout/Discussion Questions

Session 4 | Pray to Grow

Handout/Discussion Questions

Session 5 | Serve to Grow

Handout/Discussion Questions

Session 6 | Give to Grow

Handout/Discussion Questions

fall & WINTER 2022/23 | Gospel in Life

Join best selling author and pastor Timothy Keller in a video Bible study on the gospel and how to live it out in all aspects of life--from your community to the world at large. This is an 8-week study which will be divided into two separate 4-week sessions.



Session 1 | City: The World That Is


Session 2 | Heart - Three Ways to Live

Handout | Video

Session 3 | Idolatry - The Sin Beneath

Handout | Video

Session 4 | Community - The Context for Change



Session 5 | Witness - An Alternate City


Session 6 | Work - Cultivating the Garden


Session 7 | Justice- A People for Others


Session 8 | Eternity- The World That is to Come


Summer 2022 | Noticing God

A 5-week small group study to draw closer to God through prayer practices and principles. Click below to access the study. 

Full Handout

Session 1 | Praying Scripture

Handout | Video

Session 2 | Confessional Prayer

Handout | Video

Session 3 | Centering Prayer

Handout | Video

Session 4 | Prayer on the Go

Handout | Video

Session 5 | Conversational Prayer

Handout | Video

Summer 2021 | family project Pt. 1)


Session 1 | You Are Here


Video -

Session 2 | Let us Make Man (Imago Dei)


Video -

Session 3 | It is not Good to be Alone


Video -

Session 4 | For This Reason


Video -

Session 5 | The Man Has Now Become Like One of Us


Video -

Session 6 | What God has Joined Together


Video -

Fall 2020 Small Groups


Handout - Intro.pdf

Video Link -

Session 1 - Doubts

Handout - Doubts.pdf

Video Link -

Session 2 - Morality

Handout - Morality.pdf

Video Link -

Session 3 - Religion

Handout - Religion.pdf

Video Link -

Session 4 - Science

Handout - Science.pdf

Video Link -

Session 5 - Sexuality

Handout - Sexuality.pdf

Video Link -

Session 6 - Politics

Handout - Politics.pdf

Video Link -

Summer 2020 Small Groups

Session 1  "Counterfeit Gospels "  - 


Session 2  "Gospel-Given Unity"  -


Session 3  "The Gospel:A-Z" - 


Session 4  "The Gospel vs Religion"  -  


Session 5  "Gospel Adoption"  -


Session 6  "Freedom & Fruit of the Gospel"  - 


Session 7  "The Gospel Is Enough"  - 
